- Information
- MTI1B,OsMT1b, LOC_Os03g17870, Os03g0288000.
- MTI2B, LOC_Os01g74300, Os01g0974200.
- MTI3A, LOC_Os01g10400, Os01g0200700.
- MTI4A,OsMT1a, LOC_Os12g38270, Os12g0570700.
- MTI4C, LOC_Os12g38300, Os12g0571100.
- Publication
- Clustered metallothionein genes are co-regulated in rice and ectopic expression of OsMT1e-P confers multiple abiotic stress tolerance in tobacco via ROS scavenging., 2012, BMC Plant Biol..
- Heterologous expression and metal-binding characterization of a type 1 metallothionein isoform OsMTI-1b from rice Oryza sativa., 2013, Protein J..
- A novel MT gene of rice plants is strongly expressed in the node portion of the stem., 1998, Gene.
- Nucleotide Sequences of cDNAs Encoding Three Types of MetaolothioneinMT-like Protein Accession Nos. AF017366, U77284, AF017365, AF009959 and AF001396 from Oryza sativa L. PGR99-019, 1999, Plant Physiol..
- DNA variation in the metallothionein genes in wild rice Oryza rufipogon: Relationship between DNA sequence polymorphism, codon bias and gene expression., 2005, Genes Genet. Syst..
- Expression of iron-acquisition-related genes in iron-deficient rice is co-ordinately induced by partially conserved iron-deficiency-responsive elements, 2005, J. Exp. Bot..
- Rice MADS3 Regulates ROS Homeostasis during Late Anther Development., 2011, Plant Cell.
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