- Information
- RAC2, LOC_Os05g43820, Os05g0513800.
- RAC3, LOC_Os02g50860, Os02g0742200.
- RAC4, LOC_Os06g12790, Os06g0234200.
- RAC7, LOC_Os02g20850, Os02g0312600.
- Publication
- SWAP70 functions as a Rac/Rop guanine nucleotide-exchange factor in rice., 2012, Plant J..
- The small GTP-binding protein rac is a regulator of cell death in plants., 1999, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A..
- Conserved Subgroups and Developmental Regulation in the Monocot rop Gene Family., 2003, Plant Physiol..
- Simple RNAi vectors for stable and transient suppression of gene function in rice., 2004, Plant Cell Physiol..
- RNA silencing of single and multiple members in a gene family of rice., 2005, Plant Physiol..
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